Saturday, December 29, 2018

Wednesday 12/26/18

so unfortunate news, Meghan will probably be in ICU longer than we thought. She had some clotting again in her abdomen and her hemoglobin dropped to 6.9. She received 3 units of blood and 2 of plasma. The official read of the CT came back and they saw a large clot in her abdomen near the pancreas. They put Meghan on a medication to treat as if the pancreas is oozing/leaking again. She is going to the OR for minimally invasive surgery. They believe she is bleeding due to the output from her drains. So in surgery they did find where she was bleeding and it had slowed down by the time they got her to the OR. It was an oozing bleed again and they put a special gel foam instead of packing to prevent a secondary surgery to remove packing. They did say to Rob they removed a ton of clots in her abdomen. The doctors believe that Meghan’s blood is thinning from malnutrition, inflammation and the pancreas. Doctors are going to change up the mixture of TPN she is getting to help. Around 7pm she started to bleed again. When they were taking her off the vent after surgery she had a coughing/gagging fit. When this happened she dislodged her abdomen muscle. They put a new pressure dressing on and have it under control. Doctors are going to leave her on the vent overnight to keep her comfortable. Around 10pm they gave her a unit of blood and plasma as precaution but she is not currently bleeding. We are hopeful for a calm night. 

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