Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday 12/21/18

Meghan had another good night and only woke up once. Her labs are the best they have been in a while. Her white blood cell count is 14, hemoglobin is at 8.7 and her platelets at 429. She went to surgery for the skin graft around 1-130pm. Surgery went well. Original plan didn’t work out and they did have to use donor skin. They found two new small holes in her bowels. They aren’t sure if the graft will take because of them, that is why they decided to use donor skin. They will keep an eye on this graft and reevaluate in 4-6 days. She will have to have a third graft done with her own skin. Please everyone say an extra prayer that this graft takes and Meghan can get one step closer to move to the rehabilitation facility. 


  1. Praying for Meghan to have everything go in the right direction! Merry Christmas to you all! And a Very Healthy New year to come.

  2. Praying for Meghan to have everything go in the right direction! Merry Christmas to you all! And a Very Healthy New year to come.
