Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tuesday 12/4/18

Meghan had a rough night, not getting comfortable and coughing up secretions a lot of the night. She was given more Tylenol today, she still has a small fever. Major thing for today her doctors decided to drain the fluid by her lungs. Doctors explained to Rob that the fluid is no longer in her lungs but the area around them. The fluid is causing pressure on her lungs which is making it harder for Meghan to breath. Lung procedure is done right in her room with a local anesthetic and place a catheter into the area. For now her trach will stay at a 6. The secretions she has still are so thick and doctors do not want to cause any issues with downsizing. They have also changed out one of her bacterial medications, due to the length of time she was on the previous one. Procedure was done for her fluid near her lungs around 1:30pm. They told Rob it drained out 1400 CCs of fluid.

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