Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday 11/19/18

Meghan has been off the vent for 25 hours. Blood pressure and heart rate have been good so no labs and still will be on the 48 hour rotation. Speech therapist will be in today to see Meghan.  Hopefully to downsize her trach, which is another step to being able to talk again. Tube feeding is suppose to start at some point in this week.  Ophthalmologist was in to see Meghan today, normal check and they are very happy with everything they see. Speech said her trach now is too big. She has an 8 now which is the biggest size. They put in an order to downsize to a 6 and this will allow more air to go past the trach and make it easier to speak. PT and OT are with Meghan and goal today is 20 minutes around 30-35 degrees. She did 5 minutes at 41 degrees and 15 minutes at 35 degrees. ACES came in and changed the dressing on the skin graft and about 2/3 have taken. They are happy with the way things are looking. They will do another dressing change on Wednesday. Doctors do not want to downsize the trach at this time so they will be revisiting in the future. Right now the skin graft is the only thing covering her organs, they did not fix her muscle. So in a year she will have another surgery to fix her muscle in her abdomen. That will be a 2 day surgery and she will be in the hospital for about 10 days. This afternoon she did another stand for 20 minutes at 35 degrees. Tonight Meghan has hit 36 hours off the vent and still going. 💪🏼🙏🏼


  1. Thanks for the updates Heather. Just have to keep moving forward hopefully. No more backward steps.

  2. That’s so good I am happy to hear these positive steps power of prayer!!! God bless her she is so strong such a fighter! Continued prayers for everyone❤️❤️

  3. I am so overjoyed to read this post. Meghan- you’re my hero! Keep fighting mama!

  4. So glad that Meghan is improving. Sending love and prayers every day.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all ❤️

  5. So thankful to hear about Meghan's progress -- she's so strong! In our thoughts and prayers daily! Wishing you all blessings and a Happy Thanksgiving! ❤️
