Sunday, November 18, 2018

Friday 11/16/18

Meghan couldn’t get comfortable last night so she is tired today. Her hemo did drop again to 6.6 and they gave her a unit of blood. The doctors do not think Meghan is bleeding. They think it is dropping because she is using red blood cells and everything faster than her body can reproduce them. Her hemo went up to 7.7 after the unit of blood. She went to surgery around 2-230pm for the skin graft. Skin has been applied and a new tube placed in her intestines. This tube for now will be a drain and then when ready become a feeding tube. Doctors were happy with how the skin graft looked. One spot on the lower portion may not take just how it looked on the skin. She may have another graft in the future. She didn’t need any blood products during surgery. Blood pressure and heart rate are doing well. The coloring in the skin graft is pale for now, as it heals it will turn more towards Meghan’s skin tone.

1 comment:

  1. she sure is a strong person - so happy she got to visit with Hunter - bet they were both happy to see one another - the prayers are working - one day at a time
