Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday 11/28/18

Labs were taken this morning and everything is still about the same. Hemo is 7.5, white blood cell count is 18.8. Platelets have gone way up to 722. A group of doctors IR (Inventional Radiology) came to see Meghan today. There was a little bit of fluid built up and doctors believe her drains just need to be changed. IR will use CT and remove the current drains and replace them in the same positions. The vac that was on top of the dressing will be removed and replaced with a different type of wound management. This was explained to Rob as a bigger ostomy bag with a drain that will sit on top of the dressing. Speech therapy came by today and they said her trach is still too big to let Meghan make any sounds. They are going to talk to her doctors to see what the next steps will be with the trach. So this afternoon they did a routine chest X-ray and saw she had a little more fluid in her lung. So for now she is not allowed to drink any fluids. Every time she was drinking a small amount of fluid was going down the wrong way and getting into her lungs. Also a reason why they think she has been getting so nauseous. She doesn’t have an infection or pneumonia, they said with movement and being active (as much as she can) it will go away on its own. New things for her bowels, they are going to put dextrose with blue dye through her intestines. This is to test if & where Meghan has any leaking coming from her bowels. The blue dye will come out of the drains & doctors will recheck this tomorrow.

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