Doctors gave her blood after last nights labs. This morning her hemo was at 8.3. ACES was in to check her abdomen and do a packing & dressing change. Currently she has no active bleeds so hopefully this continues. Labs again were taken and hemo is down to 7.6. Rob got to talk to the doctors and they do not believe she is actively bleeding. They are thinking because of her current blood infection and all the fluid they are giving her it is affecting her hemoglobin. She had another echocardiogram this morning and the number from that test has improved to 55% so that went in a better direction. Around 4:30pm doctors came in and are happy with how things look. They stopped the blood pressure medication for now and she has been around 110/61. They would like to get her off the vent tomorrow. Next labs came back and hemo is 7, white count is 15.8 and platelets at 175. Meghan asked the nurse to stretch out her legs and do some PT exercises. Last labs for today her hemo went up 7.3, fingers crossed we stay in this direction! 🙏🏼
Continued prayers for healing for Megan🙏🙏🙏