CT showed that she was aspirating, meaning when she was swallowing the water and Gatorade a small amount was going into her lungs. So for now she is not allowed to drink anything. Doctors explained to Rob that the fluid is minimal and will work it self out. As far has her abdomen goes her skin graft is looking good. They are going to let that continue to heal before any other grafts are placed. Oxygen levels have been good today. They won’t put another catheter in unless any fluid becomes an issue for Meghan’s breathing, which it isn’t now. Doctors are telling us pneumonia isn’t an issue right now because the fluid isn’t in that layer of lung. The catheter in the area near the lungs is still in for now and draining a minimal amount. If Meghan has no other issues, doctors are talking about moving her to rehab maybe by the end of next week. Nothing is set in stone they are just saying it’s possible if no other issues arise. A Psychologist came by today to see Meghan and is putting her on a medication just to help with some anxiety she is having & hopefully let her get some rest. And for the first time in 3 months she spoke. She had the speaking value on the trach and she said to Rob “ I can talk”.
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