Monday, February 4, 2019

Sunday 2/3/19

Meghan’s labs this morning were ok. Hemo is 7.8, white count is 14.5 and platelets are at 280. They did check her skin graft and believe 80% has taken. The doctors are still not sure if she will need a second graft. Where they took her skin from on her leg is healing nicely. Unfortunately for now they stopped her tube feeds. It was backing up and coming out of her drains so the doctors knew it was leaking into her abdomen. They are going to continue with dextrose through her intestines. Dextrose is less of a chance of infection if it does end up leaking into her abdomen. Rehab is still on the radar for Meghan but it still really depends on her skin graft. She stood for 15 mins at 45 degrees today. 

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