Meghan got to meet Teagan! 💗😍😇 crying happy tears but Meghan got to hold and be with her new little angel!
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Friday, September 21, 2018
Friday 9/21/18
Meghan went to surgery around 730am. Finally they did see some improvement and colon looked ok. Thank god. They did close her the best they could, they felt there was no more “gunk” spreading. She does have a mesh netting to help with the incision set. In the future she may have a little hernia but that can be repaired at a later date. She is back in her room resting. They will slowly begin taking her off of machines to see how the body reacts and tolerates everything. She was again in the chair today sitting up.
Thursday 9/20/18
Meghan was stable overnight and this morning plan is to just rest and let her body hopefully begin to heal. The nurses moved her into a recliner chair to let her sit up and get off of her hospital bed. She slept most of the day and surgery is set for early tomorrow morning to recheck her colon and other organs.
Wednesday 9/19/18
Went for surgery at 8am. Meghan is stable after surgery but still open. Pancreas overall looks ok, right looks better than the left. Whatever the pancreas was putting out is still being found internal and they need to get all that “gunk” out in order to close her because that will continue to spread if any is left behind which is causing tissue to die. Spleen was removed to due to repetitive bleeding and overall didn’t look good so it was removed. Some of the gunk was on and affected a section of Meghan’s colon. Surgery will be set for Friday instead of tomorrow to let Meghan rest and the doctors said they need a whole 24 hours to notice a change if there is one. Surgery is to recheck the colon if that is worse they will have to remove part of it. For the rest of the night doctors want Meghan to get much needed rest.
Tuesday 9/18/18
Today is a day for Meghan to get rest and get stronger for her future surgeries. Not much changed throughout the day which was a good sign for the doctor. She still has the trach in her neck but she is now off the ventilator! Doctors all day we’re testing her abilities, lifting her arms, wiggling her toes and answering questions. We hope she got some rest and surgery is set for 8am tomorrow. Teagan update- she is doing so well! Grandma is taking very good care of her. She’s feeding well and gained weight she is now up to 6lbs 5oz and she grew an inch since birth.
Monday 9/17/18
Test has been negative so far for the EEG. Meghan just went to surgery to hopefully recheck and close her. They ended up cutting out some tissue in the area but overall pancreas looks ok. Didn’t close her yet they don’t want to force anything at this point. It will be a slow closing process. They did do the tracheotomy for future surgeries so she could have the breathing tube out of her mouth and then the ventilator can just be hooked up to that. After surgery while recovering she was slowly becoming responsive and following simple commands. Mom Gram Heather Jimmy and Nicole all got to go back to the hospital to see her and she was communicating to us by mouthing words, telling us she was too hot and wanted the blankets off and asking the nurse questions about what’s happening. She knew she just had a baby and the nurse asked her basic questions and she new all of the answers except the month! It was a great feeling to see her awake and she knew all of us!
Sunday 9/16/18
Meghan is stable and fluids were cut down so she seems less swollen this morning. Doctors said tomorrow’s plan for surgery will be to close if they are 100% sure she is healing and heading in the right direction. If they want her to stay open they will decide to do the temporary tracheotomy for future surgeries and would then be able to remove breathing tube. Ventilator would be continued through the trach. One of the lead doctors came in to talk to Rob this afternoon and he still isn’t happy that she can’t follow simple commands - opening eyes/squeezing hands, etc. they will be doing the EEG overnight tonight. That is the test they were going to originally do and one of the reasons she got transferred to University of Maryland. This test will record brain activity and see if those silent seizures are happening.
Saturday 9/15/18
Meghan’s hemoglobin went down so they gave her more blood today and also found yeast in the blood. Her already being on antibiotics will help that. Doctor will just continually watch her levels and if any changes will make decisions on further testing from there.
Friday 9/14/18
Went down at 8am to surgery. Surgeon came out to talk with us, everything is the same, which that's basically what they wanted to see. She is still open and will be because doctor said no point in closing when they need to keep re checking - next surgery would be scheduled for Monday - unless things change over the weekend. Pretty much the only other thing is a possible temporary tracheotomy because she would be more comfortable without the tube down her throat and that would only be temporary and then she wouldn't be on sedation meds. Goal for today is rest and nutrition. She will have small amounts through feeding tube and also IV nutrition.
Thursday 9/13/18
Went for Surgery at 10am. Definitely severe pancreatitis at this point, they started to scrape the bad cells off pancreas. They doctor has only seen one other pancreas look this bad. Meghan has been left open again because they want to keep an eye on everything. Being that the Pancreas is so bad inflammation started again down her right side of her abdomen inside. She will have another surgery again tomorrow with the same surgeons and chief of surgery to recheck everything again. Today at some point when Meghan has had somewhat rested they will do another ct on abdomen with dye, this test will show any infections elsewhere and an other abnormalities they cannot see with their own eyes. Results of CTs were ok. No worries for the head/brain function and abdomen showed what they already knew.
Wednesday 9/12/18
Meghan was taken off of sedation and slowly suppose to be waking up. Not great progress overnight but throughout the day she is moving back and forth not opening her eyes though. Surgery tomorrow is to hopefully close her stomach up. They will be rechecking everything before they close. Responded to daddy’s voice again very well. Around 11:30 though Meghan’s platelets again dropped and lactate was high - meaning possibly her organs aren’t getting enough oxygen. Put her ventilator back on and letting her rest will re test in a few hours and hope they see improvement. Surgery still will be set for tomorrow morning
Tuesday 9/11/18
Saw Meghan this morning and went for surgery at 730am. Surgery went well, they did not close her fully due to still waiting to watch fluid. We are having slow progress but progress. Doctors are encouraged she has gone in a good direction at this point but still a long road ahead. Feeding tube will be started today and sedation will continue but at a low level so she can show movement - opening eyes/squeezing hands which we have all gotten to see. They are doing that so if that suddenly stops they would know something neurological would be off. Dialysis is still going and they are trying to pull more “gunk” off of the blood so fluid doesn’t start to build up again. Meghan is stable and things about the same.
Monday 9/10/18
Meghan was stable overnight and they stopped her blood pressure medications again they lighted the sedation and wanted to see if she would be responsive. They wanted to do a full neurological exam and see if she would respond to simple commands - opening her eyes and moving her arms. Which she did well and responded to mommy and daddy. They are letting her rest overnight and second surgery is to scrape bad cells off pancreas if needed and close or just go in recheck if things are ok then close her up with a Smaller drain so fluid can continue to drain surgery is set for 7am
Sunday 9/9/18
Stable overnight and morning was the same. Meghan was sent for a ct of the abdomen because of fluid in her belly. Labs were done every 6 hours. We all got to meet with the doctors- everyone got to ask their questions. at that time there was no infection that they knew of - clotting was good at this point- the doctors are not sure what is making Meghan so sick they are looking at all possibilities. After ct results they knew she had a lot of fluid and and possible pancreatitis talking surgery options. The doctors wanted to go in and see what was going on for themselves in there - surgery was explained as her numbers at this point are starting to decrease if we go in and release the fluid it can relieve pressure and recheck all organs and intestines - if there was any small damage to intestines they could remove a part and fix that later if there was a lot of damage there was not much else they could do. Successful surgery no damage to intestines, pancreas looked inflamed and irritated. Surgery was finished, stomach was left open with packing and a drain so the fluid could continue to drain. Now they want to watch her levels overnight and let her body rest.
Saturday 9/8/18
Morning report was ok Meghan was stable and doctors were trying to figure out a plan to move forward - started short term dialysis to help with kidneys, they aren’t functioning the way they should be - labs came back and doctor believe she had some internal bleeding another surgery to fix that. Successful surgery they found the bleed and plugged it and Meghan was stable. Again closely watched overnight for labs!
Friday 9/7/18
Doctors were watching all of her levels and went back into surgery for possible stomach infection and checking the third spacing fluid on her diaphragm. Kidneys and liver aren’t functioning as they should, talked about starting dialysis. Stable back to icu for monitoring no infection - Friday night doctor decided to do a CT of the head to check brain function - test came back ok but doctors were unsure if Meghan was having “silent” seizures. GBMC did not have the equipment to do this so we had to transfer to University of Maryland medical center. When she arrived she was somewhat responsive and at that point in time because she was able to do simple commands they didn’t feel like the seizure test was the main concern at that time. Overnight stable and continuous labs and checking levels
Thursday 9/6/18
Mom and gram stayed with Meghan during the day. Nurses were trying to get Meghan to get up to at least start moving. Physically could not get up, nurses kept checking and looked at her incisions and called in NP and within minutes Meghan was rushed back to surgery to remove numerous clots and had a double blood transfusion - stable and put into ICU and watching levels of everything
Wednesday 9/5/18
Went into labor and had emergency c section due to Teagan’s heart rate, went well, baby was sent right to NICU & Meghan to regular room to recover
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